Overview of the EDLI Logic Model

This logic model is both a program planning and a program evaluation tool for the MSU EDLI Collective.
This logic model is a visual illustration of the MSU EDLI collective’s resources, activities and expected outcomes. It is a tool used to simplify complex relationships between various components and can be used during program planning, implementation and evaluation.

Key Terms:

  • Resources/Inputs are needed to support the solutions the program proposes.
  • Activities are those actions planned to bring about intended results.
  • Participation reflects different stakeholders’ participation and engagements in the program activities.
  • Outcomes in the logic model are the short-term and intermediate results.
  • Impact is the set of changes in the long term that we expect as a result of program activities.

** Activities together with Participation are essentially Outputs of the EDLI Collective. Outputs describe the size and scope of what the program delivers or produces.

EDLI Logic Model Diagram

We have included an image of the logic model below and also have this post in .pdf format. If you would like a more accessible version of the Logic Model please contact us and we will provide one.

Jun Fu

Dr. Jun Fu joined the EDLI Team from Oklahoma State University, where she earned a PhD in Educational Psychology and served as an adjunct faculty member at the School of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Aviation. Dr. Fu specializes in program evaluation, research and assessment for the EDLI team.